7th International V-label meeting
Representatives of the Organization "EVA" participated in the 7th International V-label meeting that took place in Prague from March 26 to 28, 2023. For the previous three years, the international meeting was held online due to the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic, which is why it was extraordinary to attend such an event, see some of the partners for the first time and formally meet them after several years of cooperation. Meeting included numerous workshops, lectures and interactive exercises that took place between more than 60 participants from more than 30 countries, which aimed to improve the business of V-label globally, but also at the level of individual member states.
The international meeting was opened by Renato Pichler, one of the founders of V-label, and during the meeting partners discussed about most important and current topics related to issuing and revoking licenses, marketing, quality management, inspection and business organization. Some of the partners also presented themselves and their work at the national level, and among them were the representatives of the "EVA" Organization, Mahmutović Nora and Balta Tina.
International meetings for V-label are held on a monthly basis in online form, so that each of the partners can present any problems and difficulties they encounter, but also to present successful collaborations and positive examples of partnerships around the world. The international V-label team is always available and ready for any kind of assistance to all partner organizations, which is one of the biggest reasons why the V-label is globally unified and generally accepted.
V-label International was created in 1996 through the Swissveg and EVU organizations, with the goal of unifying vegan and vegetarian products by marking them with a unique trademark. Bosnia and Herzegovina became part of the V-label in 2019 through the "EVA" Organization, which as such is the only one on the territory of our country that has the right to grant a V-label license to producers of vegan and vegetarian products. You can find out more about V-label HERE.